"If you have knowledge and discipline you will grows like a great oak. Mighty winds may blow and bend your branches,but in a storm you will stand tall, well rooted, to withstand the challenges of life". Professor Clemons.





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Solutions for Student Discipline and Effective Classroom Management


Inspiration charge your battery

Motivation get you started

Perspiration keep you going Determination finishes the drive



Motivation Encourages Students To Study, Move Forward, and Succeed


Inspiration sparks any task, but it is only the start.

Being determined to complete the task is the reward.

Nature replays that drama often, learn well and succeed.


“A small acorn grows and becomes a mighty oak. It allows winds to blow through branches and ruffle its leaves; but its roots are deeply anchored. Leaves may be lost and branches sometimes bend, but the tree stands tall. Through strong winds and raging storms anchored roots are determined to hold, survive, and succeed. Learn from a mighty oak”.

From “Moving Students Forward” by Professor J T Clemons


Motivation is a cause with a consequence that provides a remedy.”


A remedy is a solution to a problem wisdom solved.”

-Dr. J T Clemons









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